Monday, June 18, 2012


Today has been busy busy busy.....the day started off with coffee of course and then I headed to my room to start packing. Ian got started on a lego project. I got a lot done and then headed upstairs to check emails, and look over our itinerary. Then fed ex arrived with a very precious package.... our original Travel Approvals that we will need to take with us to China!! (in the bottom corner there is a cute little mug shot of our cutie) After making some copies of our TA  and sorting them with the rest of the paperwork we will need to take with us I got ready for our conference call with Holt. Holt does a conference call for families right before travel to help families prepare for their trip and is a great time to ask any last minute questions that you have right before you go. That involved looking over all the travel paperwork to see if there were any last minute questions. Karl came home early to take part as well. :-) On the phone with us was a couple of other families that will be traveling at the same time we are. During the call we learned that the first flight out is the most important and that is where we will do all the crazy security stuff for our international flight. Good thing we found that out or we would have been in big trouble! We thought we did that in Chicago...HA! We are suppose to be there 3 hours before take off which means for us being at the airport by 2:45am for a 5:45am flight out. We will have to leave our house by 1:30am. Wow! we aren't going to get any sleep! Thank you Holt for your conference call :-) In other fun news for today...I got to talk with one of my friends (who is from China) and lives in Branson about getting our kids together to play...her son speaks mandarin and so does Meili so we can't wait for them to talk to each other in Chinese!

Okay now I am trying to pack light seriously...this is as good as I can do :-D

Meili's Stuff :)

Hope I can fit all this in :-/

NO Judging People!

Ian's lego building while I packed...

He came to visit me while I was packing...

Now to pack our stuff....I'll think about that tomorrow....

1 comment:

  1. oh wow! do you have to travel with a car seat as well? you are going to need an extra arm!!

    SO incredibly exciting!! whoo's so close now!
